Journalling a Console: Pt II

‘Put it in writng….’ they said. Journal it and be free.

Little did they know the wrath they wrought.

In case I haven’t mentioned, I love gilding. Gold is great. It shines. It can be OTT. But is can also be beautiful and subtle. But it’s also a pig. And right now I am not having the best relationship with it. Forgive the pig comparison. They are overall admirable creatures that I do have a fondness for. Especially the piglets.

The gold is now happening in different shades. Maybe I am looking at this thing too much. Maybe I have gold in the eye. I could overall be loosing perspective. But to cycle back to the point There are a couple of points of differing shades were there shouldn’t be. Notably on one leg (the left rear). To take a stab in the dark, I think those patches are due to the oil applied beneath as the gold is slightly dull. Suggesting the oil may have been too tacky or the gold was pressed in. So many eye rolls.

`i like to think back to a time when I was free of this kind of madness, and life was simpler.

heavy sighs*

However deep in the knowledge that we cannot change that which is upon us- I carry on and embrace this challenge, head on. As a true gold applying diva should….
